Steeler Tip Line

Here at the Lackawanna City School District we hold safety, security and climate in the highest regard.  Sometimes students, parents, or other members of the community would like to provide information to the school but do not for multiple reasons, but we need your help to keep the school community safe.  To make everyone feel more comfortable, we have created the Steeler Tip Line to give everyone a safe and anonymous way to report any issues.

If You See Something, Say Something!
Steeler Tip Line

The Steeler Tip Line is a convenient way to report concerns about unsafe or potentially disruptive activities or situations including drug or alcohol abuse, weapons, harassment, bullying, threats, possible suicide or any other safety issue, both in and out of school.  

This service allows callers to report concerns 24-hours a day, confidentially and anonymously, if they choose.  In this way, no one other than the service operator hears the voice.  The voice message is then typed and then emailed to the appropriate school officials. 

It is important that we all do our part to keep our schools safe.  If You See Something, Say Something!  If you are unsure whether it should be reported or want to make anonymous tip, please utilize the Steeler Tip Line.  You play a key role in our school district’s safety plan.

Steeler Tip Line brochures will be on display on our website, in our hallways, and in our guidance offices. 

Steeler Tip Line SPEAK UP SAVE LIVES This safety resource is available to the Lackawanna City School District to aid in preventing and alerting local law enforcement to a school safety crisis. Call to anonymously report potential bullying issues, students in crisis, school violence threats, or other problems. 716-821-5710

 خط المساهمة لفريق الصلادة تحدث بصوت عالٍ إنقاذ الأرواح هذا المورد الأماني متاح لمنطقة مدارس مدينة لاكاوانا للمساعدة في منع وتنبيه الشرطة المحلية إلى أزمات أمان المدرسة. اتصل بشكل مجهول للإبلاغ عن مشكلات الاعتداء المحتملة أو الطلاب في حالة أزمة أو تهديدات العنف في المدرسة أو مشكلات أخرى. 716-821-5710

Línea de Información de los Steelers HABLA SALVAR VIDAS Este recurso de seguridad está disponible para el Distrito Escolar de Lackawanna para ayudar en la prevención y alerta a las autoridades locales en caso de una crisis de seguridad en la escuela. Llame para informar de forma anónima posibles problemas de acoso, estudiantes en crisis, amenazas de violencia en la escuela u otros problemas. 716-821-5710

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