Student Resources

Castle Learning

Online Review, Testing and Assessment

Connect ED - McGraw Hill

Middle School Math

DataMate Student Login (PK-12)

Online Assessment


Typing program


8th grade science, math and home & careers

Go Math - Think Central (K - 5)

i-Ready (K - 12 Adaptive Diagnostic)
To access, click the Desktop icon i-Ready.
Otherwise, you must open Internet Explorer 11 and go to:

Data Integrated
(Student and Teacher data is updated nightly from eSchoolData.)

Lackawanna Libraries

Library Online Resources

MagicPennyReading (PK)


NYS Regents prep

Nextera Test Sampler

The Question Sampler offers an opportunity for students to become familiar with the test format, the question types and the tools they will experience during testing.

Read 180

Reading Wonders - Connect ED McGraw-Hill (K-5)
- Simplified Login for Martin Road Elementary School
- Simplified Login for Truman Elementary School

Social Studies Curriculum Resources:

The Integrated Social Studies/ELA Curriculum

This is a user-friendly curriculum developed by teachers for teachers from the Putnam | Northern Westchester region and beyond.