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Health & Wellness
Under certain circumstances, when it is necessary for a student to take medication (prescription and non-prescription) during school hours, the school’s registered professional nurse may administer the medication if the parent or person in parental relation submits a written request accompanied by a written request from a physician indicating the frequency and dosage of prescribed medication. The parent or person in parental relation must assume responsibility to have the medication delivered directly to the health office in a properly labeled original container.
Procedures for receipt, storage and disposal of medications as well as procedures for taking medications off school grounds or after school hours while participating in a school-sponsored activity will be in accordance with New York State Education Department Guidelines.
Emergency Medication
The administration of emergency medication (injectable, including “epi-pens,” and/or oral) to a student for extreme hypersensitivity may be performed by any school staff member responding to the emergency. Such a response would fall under the Good Samaritan exemption for rendering emergency care during a life-threatening situation.
Physical Requirements
Updated physicals are required for all students in grades Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, as well as any student new to the district. Also, any student who is interested in participating in sports is required to have an updated physical on file with the school nurse regardless of the grade they currently attend. All completed physical forms should be turned in to the school health office as soon as possible.